You’ve made a booking and now you want to know what to expect and have all your practical questions answered. This video and the email you received should answer everything you need to know.
If you don’t like watching videos and prefer reading, here’s a rough transcript (but there’s a lot more in the video – and it’s only 5 minutes long):
Hi. Thanks for booking in with me. I’m looking forward to working with you.
If you’ve seen the video on my home page some of this might be a little repetitive but bear with me, there will be some things you haven’t heard.
Please continue to the end too. There may be something that relates specifically to you.
So…. what happens from here?
We’ll spend our first session exploring all the reasons you’ve decided to come to therapy. It’s also your time to decide if I’m the right person for you, so keep that in mind. Feel free to ask me questions to help you get that clear. You want to feel that you can grow to trust me, that I get you, and that you feel that I have the skills to be able to help you.
At the end of the session I’ll ask you what you want to get out of coming. This is for 2 reasons. First it helps keep us on track and most importantly, it means we’re working towards something meaningful to you rather than me telling you what you should do. That makes it much more motivating for you too. If you already know what you want then great. If not, have a think about it before we meet, or alternatively we can work through it together.
There are some things that I don’t work with, like drug and alcohol problems, young people under 18 (both of these are specialty fields that I’m not trained in), and any crisis work – I’m only available Tuesday to Thursday and am often booked a ways in advance so I can’t do emergency calls or sessions. That may not be ideal for you and it would be unethical for me to take you on.
I also don’t do court related issues or anything that could lead to me having to write court reports. You are much better off starting with a forensic psychologist or someone who knows how the courts work.
And now for the practicals. My address is 2190 Gold Coast Hwy Miami. I’m right next door to Mrs Flannery’s health food shop, on the corner of Kedron Ave. There is usually parking out the front of the building and it’s free.
You will find everything to do with my fees on the fees and rebates page on this website. If you have a Mental Health Care Plan I will give you a receipt that you can claim via the Medicare app Express Plus. They will pay your rebate directly into the bank account you have registered with Medicare. Use your MyGov login and password to access the app.
Sorry but I don’t bulk bill. If you have private health insurance they may pay something but you would have to check with them to find out how much.
If you’re not sure about anything here please give me a quick call and I can help get it clear for you.
I’ll see you soon