I read an article the other day that said the CEO of a very large company found the time to meditate for 2 hours a day. My 1st thought was that he mustn’t get much sleep. But as I read on it all started to make sense.
He meditates whenever he can – in the taxi or Uber these days, while waiting in line, just before eating and before meetings. All these little moments of meditation add up to 2 hours a day.
That’s pretty impressive!
At first when I thought about writing this blog I was going to focus on how great meditation is and that this is a really good way to get some serious meditation into your day without having to be too dedicated to sitting cross legged at 4am in order to fit it in.
Then I thought more about the concept of adding up lots of small moments to make significant time. What else could you do that with?
I have lots of clients who talk about feeling frazzled or overwhelmed by the amount of ‘stuff’ they have to do. Or how busy they are generally. With that busy-ness comes the feeling of not having any ‘me time’ and the sense that you can’t fill your cup.
What if you could add up small moments of cup-filling activities to create the sense that you were not depleted at the end of the day?
Even if meditation is not your thing (and I’d like to suggest that it is a great way to feel replenished and rested even in the midst of crazy- busy) there are plenty of things that could help you fee recharged.
Here are some examples:
- take a moment to rub a delicious smelling hand cream in, savouring the smell and the sensation
- mentally run through some things you’re grateful for (while in line, doing groceries, in the Uber)
- check in with how you’re feeling and focus on relaxing your muscles
- take your shoes off and go and stand on the grass (or sand or whatever other natural surface is near you). This is called grounding or earthing. You can read more about it here https://www.healgrowtransform.com.au/foundation-for-fabulous/how-to-be-more-grounded/
- focus on generating the feeling you think you need e.g. relaxed, peaceful, content. All you need to do is try to remember a time or place you felt like that and then try to make the feeling suffuse your whole body.
That’s just a handful of things you could try. You could try to come up with a list of things that will ‘do it’ for you. Then all you need to do is remember to implement them when you have a moment.
Let me know how you go.